
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

Cambodian Government Threatens Legitimacy of Khmer Rouge Tribunal

Ominous signs of political manipulation by the Cambodian government and a repeated failure to tackle corruption continue to plague the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, said the Open Society Justice Initiative in a report released today.

May 27, 2009
Press release

In New Article, Goldston Considers Need for Fresh Approach to Rule of Law Reform

Open Society Justice Initiative executive director James A. Goldston discusses the need for a new approach to rule of law reform, emphasizing local expertise and mutual learning between the global north and south.

May 11, 2009
Press release

Long-Awaited Agreement to Tackle Corruption at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal Contains Major Flaws

The United Nations risks jeopardizing future efforts to secure international justice unless it reconsiders a new anticorruption plan for the court in Cambodia trying senior members of the Khmer Rouge, according to the Open Society Justice Initiative.

February 24, 2009
Press release

As Lubanga Trial Begins, Goldston Cites International Criminal Court Progress

In a new op-ed, Open Society Justice Initiative executive director James A. Goldston praises progress made at the International Criminal Court.

January 26, 2009
Press release

U.S. Senate Hears Open Society Justice Initiative Testimony on Crimes Against Humanity

In June, Open Society Justice Initiative special counsel Diane Orentlicher provided expert testimony on crimes against humanity to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law.

September 10, 2008
Press release

Karadžic Arrest Hailed as a Triumph for Victims and for Justice

The arrest of one of the world's most notorious fugitives, Radovan Karadžic, on genocide and other charges is a milestone in international justice and signifies major if long overdue progress by Serbia, the Open Society Justice Initiative said.

July 22, 2008
Press release

Rights Groups Demand Investigation of CIA's Extraordinary Rendition Program

Lawsuits against Germany, United States, and Macedonia seek justice for Khaled El Masri, a German citizen rendered to Afghanistan and tortured by the CIA, according to the Open Society Justice Initiative, who met with partner organizations in...

June 12, 2008
Press release

Open Society Justice Initiative Expert Gives Senate Testimony on Rape as War Crime

Kelly Askin, senior legal officer on international justice, testified before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law about rape as a weapon of war.

May 16, 2008
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