
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

African Tribunal Reinforces Nationality Rights for Children

The African Union body responsible for protecting children’s rights has urged Kenya to grant citizenship to children of its stateless Nubian minority, in a ruling that marks a victory in the battle against statelessness across the continent and beyond.

October 04, 2011
Press release

Cambodia's Khmer Rouge Court Excludes Victims' Voices

A recent decision by the co-investigating judges at the UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal in Cambodia marks a setback to the principle that victims of international crimes should be given a voice in the courtroom.

September 20, 2011
Press release

Challenge to Mubarak-Era Abuse Continues at African Commission

The Open Society Justice Initiative and the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights have urged Africa’s top human rights body to respond to the torture and prolonged detention of a critic of the Mubarak government in Egypt.

August 04, 2011
Press release

UN Fails to Address Crisis of Credibility Facing Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge Tribunal

The Open Society Justice Initiative notes with dismay the recent statement by the spokesperson of Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations in New York, which failed to address the crisis of credibility facing the UN-backed Khmer Rouge...

June 15, 2011
Press release

UN Must Investigate Cambodia's Khmer Rouge Tribunal

The Open Society Justice Initiative is calling on the United Nations to investigate questions of "judicial independence, misconduct, and competency" at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.

June 14, 2011
Press release

European Parliament Slams U.S. on Guantanamo Death Penalty Case

The European Parliament called on the U.S. to give Guantanamo prisoner Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri a fair trial in accordance with international standards of the rule of law. The resolution comes on the heels of a case filed by the Open Society...

June 09, 2011
Press release

Lawsuit Calls on European Court to Intervene in Guantánamo Death Penalty Case

The Open Society Justice Initiative has called on the European Court of Human Rights to instruct Poland to intervene by June 30 against possible capital charges for Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who was tortured on Polish soil.

May 10, 2011
Press release

Cambodia's Khmer Rouge Court Must Fully Investigate Case 003

The Open Society Justice Initiative is calling on the UN-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal in Cambodia to ensure the fullest possible investigation into former senior Khmer Rouge commanders who are the subjects of its third proposed case.

May 03, 2011
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