
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Advocacy update

Groups Urge State Parties to ICC to Follow Transparent Process for Electing New Prosecutor

In an open letter, the Justice Initiative joins nine organizations in urging state parties to the International Criminal Court to adhere to the existing process of electing its next prosecutor, including refraining from nominating candidates not included in the shortlist released on June 30, 2020.

July 16, 2020
Advocacy update

Justice Initiative Calls for Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Syria

The Justice Initiative has co-signed a letter calling on European member states, prosecutors with jurisdiction over crimes committed in Syria, and other decision-makers to ensure access to justice for survivors of systemic sexual and gender-based violence during the Syrian civil conflict.

June 18, 2020
Press release

Dead End at Cambodia's Khmer Rouge Tribunal: UN Must Respond

The Open Society Justice Initiative is calling on the United Nations to cease support for three pending cases at Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge tribunal in response to political interference that has made it impossible to complete the cases consistent with applicable law.

April 28, 2020
Press release

Dates Announced for Trial of Anwar R., Syrian Official Accused of War Crimes

The most important Syria atrocity trial to date is scheduled to begin in Germany on April 23, 2020. The accused is Anwar R., a former high-ranking Syrian official who will stand trial for crimes against humanity.

March 10, 2020
Press release

Swiss Criminal Investigation Targets War Crime of Pillage

Swiss prosecutors are investigating the alleged illegal trade of minerals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, following a complaint filed by TRIAL International and the Open Society Justice Initiative.

December 12, 2019
Advocacy update

Over 40 NGOs Urge Reform Action on ICC Member States

Civil society organizations from around the world are urging member states of the International Criminal Court to take concrete steps towards reforming and strengthening the Court’s performance.

December 03, 2019
Press release

German Prosecutors Charge Syrian Atrocity Crime Suspects

The trial of the two men will be the first international prosecution focusing on the widespread use of torture by the regime of Syria’s President Bashir al-Assad.

October 29, 2019
Advocacy update

Justice Initiative Joins Calls to Defend Legacy of Guatemala's CICIG

The Justice Initiative joined over 200 organizations in a public statement, calling on Guatemala's new government to safeguard the advances of CICIG, the U.N.-backed anti-corruption commission.

August 22, 2019
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