
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

Angola Must Comply with United Nations Freedom of Expression Ruling

In an open letter to Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos, the Open Society Justice Initiative and INTERIGHTS called on the country to comply with its international human rights obligations.

August 26, 2005
Press release

Taylor Asylum Slammed by Former Nigerian Military Chief

A leading military commander has attacked Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo’s decision to offer asylum to former Liberian President and suspected war criminal Charles Taylor, reports the Open Society Justice Initiative.

August 25, 2005
Press release

Training Seminar in Mexico on the Use of Pretrial Detention

To decrease Mexico’s use of pretrial detention of the accused, the Open Society Justice Initiative has launched two training seminars on pretrial detention, one each in the Mexican states of Aguascalientes and Zacatecas.

August 04, 2005
Press release

First Freedom of Information Case Reaches Americas' Court

After the Inter-American Commission finding Chile in violation of its international human rights charter, the Inter-American Court is to consider the first case involving the right to access public information in its 26-year history, according to...

July 14, 2005
Press release

European Court of Human Rights Confirms Racial Discrimination in Landmark Bulgarian Case

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights yesterday affirmed in substantial part its first-ever finding of racial discrimination in breach of the European Convention of Human Rights, according to the Open Society Justice Initiative.

July 07, 2005
Press release

Georgia's First Public Defender Office Opens in Tbilisi

Georgia’s first public defender office will provide legal aid for criminal defendants unable to afford a lawyer thanks to a pilot program established with technical assistance from the Open Society Justice Initiative and others.

June 21, 2005
Press release

United Nations Human Rights Committee Finds Angola Infringed Freedom of Expression

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has ruled that Angola violated the freedom of expression of a journalist, who was jointly represented by Interights and the Open Society Justice Initiative before the committee.

June 01, 2005
Press release

Nigeria Says Taylor Cannot Stay If Terms of Asylum Violated

War criminal and former Liberian president Charles Taylor cannot remain in Nigeria if he is shown to have interfered in Liberian and regional politics, a representative of Nigeria’s government said at an OSI-sponsored event at the UN.

May 19, 2005
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