
The Open Society Justice Initiative pursues strategic litigation and engages in policy advocacy in Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe. Read our News Releases and Advocacy Updates on our work.  

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Press release

Denmark’s Plan to Rebrand its Racist “Ghetto Package” Will Cause More Housing Evictions

The new proposal simply replaces the term “ghetto” with “parallel societies,” but also increases the number of areas covered by the legislation and includes a requirement to reduce those of “non-Western background” to a maximum of 30 percent within ten years.

March 19, 2021
Advocacy update

Justice Initiative Supports ACLU’s Challenge against International Criminal Court Sanctions

The Justice Initiative supports the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), who filed a preliminary injunction in their case challenging the Trump administration’s executive order that authorized sanctions against individuals who assist the ICC.

March 15, 2021
Press release

The Justice Initiative Joins Survivors of Chemical Weapons Attacks and Syrian NGOs in Seeking French Criminal Investigation

The Justice Initiative has joined the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM) and Syrian Archive in seeking a French criminal investigation into August 2013 chemical weapons attacks on the city of Douma and on Eastern Ghouta. The NGOs collaborated on a criminal complaint that was filed by SCM.

March 02, 2021
Press release

Open Society Calls for Global Sanctions on Saudi Crown Prince after U.S. Intelligence Report on Khashoggi Murder

The Biden administration released an unclassified intelligence report showing who is responsible for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. The Justice Initiative is calling for accountability.

February 26, 2021
Advocacy update

Justice Initiative Welcomes First-Ever Conviction of Syrian Official for Crimes Against Humanity

In the trial of Eyad al-Gharib, a German court has, for the first time, convicted a Syrian official of crimes against humanity for acts perpetrated during the country’s decade long civil conflict.

February 24, 2021
Press release

ASP Presidency Fails to Protect the Integrity of the Election of the Next ICC Prosecutor

In advance of the election of the next International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor now scheduled for February 12, 2021, the Justice Initiative laments the failure of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) presidency to establish a genuine vetting process for all candidates.

February 10, 2021
Advocacy update

Concern Over Appointment of William Shawcross to Review UK’s Counter Terror Strategy

Open Society Justice Initiative is joining Muslim rights organizations in expressing deep concern about William Shawcross’s suitability for Reviewer of Prevent in the UK, given his record and previous statements on Islam.

January 28, 2021
Press release

Justice Initiative Joins Groups in Giving Notice of Class Action Lawsuit against French Government for Ethnic Profiling by Police

The Justice Initiative has joined civil and human rights groups in sending a letter of notice of a class action lawsuit against the French government for police identity checks that perpetuate ongoing and systemic ethnic profiling.

January 27, 2021
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