
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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58 Publications
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Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper: The UNESCO-Obiang Prize, Corruption, and Abuse in Equatorial Guinea

This Open Society Justice Initiative briefing paper provides background on the UNESCO-Obiang Prize and problems with corruption and abuse in Equatorial Guinea.

September 2010
First page of PDF with filename: obiang-prize-issue-brief-20100927.pdf
Briefing Paper

Corruption and Its Consequences In Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is one of the world's wealthiest nations, yet the country's citizens live in desperate poverty. This OSI paper raises the question: if money from the sale of natural resources isn't benefiting its citizens, where is it going?

March 2010
First page of PDF with filename: equatorial-guinea-20100317.pdf

Struggles for Citizenship in Africa

Written by Bronwen Manby of the Open Society Foundations, this book documents the dire consequences of pervasive citizenship discrimination across the continent.

October 2009 | Bronwen Manby
First page of PDF with filename: acknowledgements_20091009.pdf

Justice Initiatives: Pretrial Detention

This publication looks at the global overreliance on pretrial detention and examines the challenges of reducing and reforming its use.

Spring 2008
First page of PDF with filename: Justice_Initiati.pdf

New Report by the Open Society Justice Initiative Finds Critical Needs at Khmer Rouge Tribunal

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia must take urgent action to address serious challenges confronting the court, according to a report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

June 27, 2007
First page of PDF with filename: cambodia_20070627.pdf

Public Interest Litigation in Central and Eastern Europe: Roots, Prospects, and Challenges

The following article by James A. Goldston, entitled "Public Interest Litigation in Central and Eastern Europe: Roots, Prospects, and Challenges" was published in the May 2006 issue of Human Rights Quarterly.

June 1, 2006 | James Goldston
First page of PDF with filename: publicinterest_20060601.pdf

Clinical Legal Education Training Materials

Curriculum materials on how to teach clinical legal education and street law, and how to operate a university-based clinic are now available from the Open Society Justice Initiative.

February 7, 2006
First page of PDF with filename: clinic_20070206.pdf

Citizenship and Equality in Practice: Comments on the Right to Nationality Submitted to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Open Society Justice Initiative today urged the international community to develop a comprehensive strategy to resolve statelessness.

November 1, 2005
First page of PDF with filename: citizenship_20051101.pdf
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