
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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119 Publications
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Briefing Paper

Intermediaries and the International Criminal Court: A Role for the Assembly of States Parties

The Open Society Justice Initiative has outlined the importance of developing coherent guidelines on the use of intermediaries in International Criminal Court investigations.

December 2011
First page of PDF with filename: intermediaries-20111212.pdf

Pretrial Detention and Health: Unintended Consequences, Deadly Results

This report, aimed at health professionals, looks at the sometimes disastrous health impacts of the excessive use of pretrial detention.

November 2011
First page of PDF with filename: ptd-health-20111103.pdf

Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: November 2011

Cambodia’s UN-backed Khmer Rouge court faces an unprecedented crisis of confidence amid allegations of judicial misconduct that require an independent investigation. This report examines the current crisis.

November 2011
First page of PDF with filename: eccc-developments-20111114.pdf

International Crimes, Local Justice

A practical guide to the steps needed to ensure that national justice systems have the capacity to try international crimes, alongside the work of the International Criminal Court.

November 2011 | Eric Witte
First page of PDF with filename: international-crimes-local-justice-20111128.pdf

Legacy: Completing the Work of the The Special Court for Sierra Leone

As the Special Court for Sierra Leone moves towards completing its mandate, this report highlights issues that require urgent attention to safeguard its achievements so far.

November 1, 2011
First page of PDF with filename: legacy-scsl-20111101.pdf
Briefing Paper

Pretrial Justice: Ensuring Fair Treatment for the Poor

James A. Goldston, executive director of the Open Society Justice Initiative, set out a range of steps needed to ensure fair treatment of the poor by national justice systems during a meeting at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

October 27, 2011
First page of PDF with filename: goldston-pretrial-20111027.pdf
Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper: ICC Confirmation of Charges Hearings on Kenya Situation

This paper sets out the background to the pretrial confirmation of charges hearings at the International Criminal Court against William Samoei Ruto, Henry Kiprono Kosgey, and Joseph Arap Sang, three leading Kenyan figures accused of crimes against...

September 2011
First page of PDF with filename: ICCKenya-pretrial-briefing.pdf

Corporate War Crimes: Prosecuting the Pillage of Natural Resources

Reviving corporate liability for pillaging natural resources is not simply about protecting property rights during conflict—it can also play a significant role in preventing atrocity.

September 2011 | James G. Stewart
First page of PDF with filename: pillage-manual-2nd-edition-2011.pdf
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