
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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31 Publications
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Briefing Paper

Legal Empowerment: An Integrated Approach to Justice and Development

This working paper sets out Open Society Foundations’ vision of how legal empowerment can support development and justice by ensuring that the law is not confined to books or courtrooms, but is available to everyone.

July 02, 2012
First page of PDF with filename: lep-working-paper-20120701.pdf
Briefing Paper

Q & A: Reform of the European Court of Human Rights

As the 47 members of the Council of Europe, this briefing sets out the background issues for journalists and others in question and answer form.

April 2012
First page of PDF with filename: echr-reform-qanda-4-3-12-2.pdf
Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper: Abusing UNESCO

This 10-page briefing paper looks at the threat posed by President Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea to the reputation and standing of the UN's educational, scientific and cultural organization.

February 2012
First page of PDF with filename: obiang-unesco-20120222.pdf
Briefing Paper

Pretrial Justice: Ensuring Fair Treatment for the Poor

James A. Goldston, executive director of the Open Society Justice Initiative, set out a range of steps needed to ensure fair treatment of the poor by national justice systems during a meeting at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

October 27, 2011
First page of PDF with filename: goldston-pretrial-20111027.pdf
Briefing Paper

Briefing Paper: The UNESCO-Obiang Prize, Corruption, and Abuse in Equatorial Guinea

This Open Society Justice Initiative briefing paper provides background on the UNESCO-Obiang Prize and problems with corruption and abuse in Equatorial Guinea.

September 2010
First page of PDF with filename: obiang-prize-issue-brief-20100927.pdf
Briefing Paper

Corruption and Its Consequences In Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is one of the world's wealthiest nations, yet the country's citizens live in desperate poverty. This OSI paper raises the question: if money from the sale of natural resources isn't benefiting its citizens, where is it going?

March 2010
First page of PDF with filename: equatorial-guinea-20100317.pdf
Briefing Paper

Racial Discrimination in the Administration of Justice

A brief submitted by OSI's Open Society Justice Initiative to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination prior to the opening of its 65th session.

August 2, 2004
First page of PDF with filename: racial_justice.pdf
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