
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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70 Publications
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Between Law and Society: Paralegals and the Provision of Primary Justice Services in Sierra Leone

This paper focuses on Timap for Justice, a pioneering organization expanding access to legal services in rural areas of Sierra Leone. This updated edition includes a new foreword by George Soros.

March 2010
First page of PDF with filename: between-law-and-society-20100310.pdf
Briefing Paper

Corruption and Its Consequences In Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is one of the world's wealthiest nations, yet the country's citizens live in desperate poverty. This OSI paper raises the question: if money from the sale of natural resources isn't benefiting its citizens, where is it going?

March 2010
First page of PDF with filename: equatorial-guinea-20100317.pdf

Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia continues to face pressing challenges that require immediate and ongoing attention, said a report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

August 2009
First page of PDF with filename: eccc_20090817.pdf

Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

The Cambodian government must address grave flaws in the tribunal set up to try senior members of the Khmer Rouge for crimes against humanity, warns a report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

February 2009
First page of PDF with filename: eccc_20090212.pdf

Legal Clinics: Serving People, Improving Justice

This brochure describes the Open Society Justice Initiative's efforts to launch clinics in 12 countries, from Sierra Leone to Cambodia to Afghanistan.

First page of PDF with filename: legalclinics_20090101.pdf

Recent Developments at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia

The Extraordinary Chambers in Courts of Cambodia must do more to address allegations of corruption at the court and protect employees who speak out about it, according to a new report released by the Open Society Justice Initiative.

October 2008
First page of PDF with filename: eccc_20081012.pdf

The Growing Threat of Soft Censorship

An OSI report on a new style of censorship—not entirely new, but increasingly employed around the world—is subtle, indirect, and sophisticated.

December 2005
First page of PDF with filename: threat_20051205.pdf

Legal Remedies for the Resource Curse

The Open Society Justice Initiative released a report assessing the availability of legal remedies for addressing corrupt practices in the natural resource industries.

September 6, 2005
First page of PDF with filename: legalremedies_20050906.pdf
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