
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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96 Publications
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Viewed with Suspicion: The Human Cost of Stop and Search in England and Wales

How does it feel to bear the brunt of police profiling? The Open Society Justice Initiative conducted interviews with nine people whose lives have been directly affected by stop and search.

April 2013
First page of PDF with filename: viewed-with-suspicion-human-cost-stop-and-search-in-england-and-wales-20130419.pdf
Briefing Paper

Letter to the African Commission on Human Rights and Terrorism

A joint letter to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on human rights and terrorism, delivered by the Open Society Justice Initiative, alongside eleven African civil society groups.

April 2013
First page of PDF with filename: african-commission-letter-counterterrorism-20130413.pdf

Reducing Ethnic Profiling in the European Union: A Handbook of Good Practices

The nearly 100 case studies gathered in this handbook show that efforts to address ethnic profiling can reduce discrimination, and enhance the overall quality and efficiency of law enforcement.

March 06, 2013
First page of PDF with filename: reducing-ep-in-EU-12172012_0.pdf

Globalizing Torture: CIA Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition

The most comprehensive account yet assembled of the human rights abuses associated with CIA secret detention and extraordinary rendition operations.

February 2013
First page of PDF with filename: globalizing-torture-20120205.pdf
Briefing Paper

Submission to the UN on Ethnic Profiling in Spain

This submission details the extent and impact of ethnic profiling on minorities in Spain, and how these practices violate international human rights standards.

January 2013
First page of PDF with filename: submission-spain-ethnic-profiling-20130128_0.pdf
Fact Sheet

Timeline: The Khaled El-Masri Case

A summary of the main events in a nine year search for justice by Khaled El-Masri, the victim of a mistaken CIA counterterrorism operation.

December, 2012
First page of PDF with filename: timeline-khaledelmasri-20140411.pdf

Citizens of Nowhere: Solutions for the Stateless in the U.S.

This report focuses on stateless people residing in the United States, a vulnerable population that, under current law, has no path to acquire lawful status or become naturalized U.S. citizens.

December 2012
First page of PDF with filename: citizens-of-nowhere-solutions-for-the-stateless-in-the-us-20121213.pdf
Fact Sheet

El-Masri and CIA 'Capture Shock'

Violence used in the extraordinary rendition of Khaled El-Masri followed guidelines developed by the CIA for intimidating suspects before interrogation.

December 11, 2012
First page of PDF with filename: factsheet-captureshock-20121112_0.pdf
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