
Read and download reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets from the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

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94 Publications
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Justice for Development: Integrating Justice and Human Rights into the Post-2015 Development Framework

In remarks delivered at the United Nations in New York, James A. Goldston of the Open Society Justice Initiative argues that justice and rights must be part of new global develoment targets.

June 10, 2014 | James Goldston
First page of PDF with filename: goldston-unga-2015-06102014.pdf
Fact Sheet

UK Must Not Undermine Global Battle against Statelessness

A summary of the issues at stake, as the upper house of the UK parliament considers a proposal that would allow the government to make people stateless.

March 11, 2014
First page of PDF with filename: factsheet-clause60-03112014.pdf
Fact Sheet

Justice 2015: Measuring Justice in the Post-2015 Development Framework

How access to information, legal identity, legal participation, and legal services could be incorporated into the world's new development agenda. A primer on justice targets.

December 2013
First page of PDF with filename: measuring-justice-20140303.pdf

Equality Under Pressure: The Impact of Ethnic Profiling in the Netherlands

The Dutch pride themselves on being members of an open, tolerant, and fair society. But for a growing number of people in the Netherlands, this ideal is being put under pressure by proactive police actions.

November 2013
First page of PDF with filename: equality-under-pressure-the-impact-of-ethnic-profiling-netherlands-20131128_1.pdf
Fact Sheet

Discrimination in German Schools

A summary of key facts that point to a structural problem with discrimination against children of migrant families in Gemany's schools

November, 2013
First page of PDF with filename: factsheet-german-schools-10272013.pdf

Standing Up for Equality in Germany’s Schools

Why do children of “migration background” often perform significantly worse at school than their native German counterparts? The problem is discrimination.

October 2013
First page of PDF with filename: standing-up-for-equality-germany-schools-english-20131024.pdf

Justice Initiatives: Legal Empowerment

Eight case studies look at how legal empowerment projects can reduce poverty and help people realize their rights; with a forward by George Soros.

September 2013
First page of PDF with filename: justice-initiatives-legal-empowerment-20140102.pdf

Equality Betrayed: The Impact of Ethnic Profiling in France

French police checks disproportionately target young men of North African and Arab origin: read first hand accounts of the human cost and the damage done.

September 2013
First page of PDF with filename: equality-betrayed-impact-ethnic-profiling-france-20130925.pdf
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