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Fact Sheet

Time Line: Al-Nashiri v. Poland at the European Court of Human Rights

A time line of events in the case of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri against the government of Poland, over its role in his rendition, secret detention and torture on Polish soil by the CIA.

November 2013
First page of PDF with filename: nashiri-echr-timeline-11252013_0.pdf

We’re Tired of Taking You to the Court: Human Rights Abuses by Kenya’s Anti-Terrorism Police Unit

This report presents credible allegations of extrajudicial killings and other human rights abuses by Kenya’s specialist anti-terrorism police unit.

November 20, 2013
First page of PDF with filename: human-rights-abuses-by-kenya-atpu-20140220.pdf
Fact Sheet

The Tshwane Principles on National Security and the Right to Information: An Overview in 15 Points

A 15-point summary of the Tshwane Principles, which address the question of how to ensure public access to government information without jeopardizing legitimate efforts to combat national security threats.

June 2013
First page of PDF with filename: tshwane-principles-15-points-09182013.pdf

The Global Principles on National Security and the Right to Information (The Tshwane Principles)

The Tshwane Principles offer global standards on how to ensure the fullest possible public access to information, while protecting legitimate national security concerns.

June 12, 2013
First page of PDF with filename: global-principles-national-security-10232013.pdf

Globalizing Torture: CIA Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition

The most comprehensive account yet assembled of the human rights abuses associated with CIA secret detention and extraordinary rendition operations.

February 2013
First page of PDF with filename: globalizing-torture-20120205.pdf
Fact Sheet

Timeline: The Khaled El-Masri Case

A summary of the main events in a nine year search for justice by Khaled El-Masri, the victim of a mistaken CIA counterterrorism operation.

December, 2012
First page of PDF with filename: timeline-khaledelmasri-20140411.pdf
Fact Sheet

El-Masri and CIA 'Capture Shock'

Violence used in the extraordinary rendition of Khaled El-Masri followed guidelines developed by the CIA for intimidating suspects before interrogation.

December 11, 2012
First page of PDF with filename: factsheet-captureshock-20121112_0.pdf

Counterterrorism and Human Rights Abuses in Kenya and Uganda: The World Cup Bombing and Beyond

In 2010, more than 70 people were killed in two bomb attacks in Kampala, Uganda. The subsequent counterrorism response has included unlawful renditions, arbitrary detention and the physical abuse of suspects.

November 2012
First page of PDF with filename: counterterrorism-human-rights-abuses-kenya-uganda-20130403.pdf
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