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Al-Nashiri v. Romania

The complaint calls for a proper investigation into Romania's responsibility for the CIA's abuse of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri at a secret prison on its territory and other violations of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Last update: December 19, 2018

Al-Nashiri v. Poland

The ECHR ruled in favor of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, finding that Poland had allowed his illegal rendition, detention and torture at a secret prision run by the CIA.

Last update: August 29, 2014

D.H. and Others v. Czech Republic

In 2007, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Roma children in the Czech Republic face systematic discrimination. But the Czech government has yet to take steps to remedy continuing school segregation.

Last update: July 16, 2012

El-Masri v. Macedonia

The European Court of Human Rights ruled in favor of Khaled El-Masri in his complaint over Macedonia's involvement in his extraordinary rendition and torture by the CIA.

Last update: July 15, 2012

EC v. Italy

Roma in Italy are facing a wave of hostility, as fears of immigration from other EU countries are exacerbated by government-controlled media, and used to justify racist policies.

Last update: March 15, 2012

German Headscarves Ban

In 2006, several regional governments in Germany adopted laws supposedly to maintain neutrality and peace in the school, but which amount to discrimination against Muslim teachers on grounds of religion.

Last update: March 05, 2012

Adalah v. Israel

This case is about discrimination in Israel, where citizens who marry individuals from the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon are blocked from bringing their spouses into the country.

Last update: January 11, 2012

Iseni v. Italian Ministry of the Interior

Roberto Iseni is in danger of criminal sanctions and expulsion because he failed to apply for a passport within a 12-month window following his 18th birthday, as dictated by Italian law.

Last update: December 20, 2011

Jean-Claude Duvalier

Jean-Claude Duvalier’s 15-year rule in Haiti was characterized by widespread violations of human rights. This brief outlined the argument for prosecuting Duvalier for international crimes.

Last update: December 14, 2011

Arrest Rights Challenge

In Poland, many accused don’t have access to a lawyer until the investigation into their case has been completed. This brief challenges the practice, which undermines the fundamental right to a fair trial.

Last update: December 01, 2011

Akunov v. Kyrgyzstan

The death of a political activist in police custody in April 2007 after undergoing a severe beating reflects a larger pattern of violence in Kyrgyzstan.

Last update: October 03, 2011

Children of Nubian Descent in Kenya v. Kenya

The African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child found that children of Kenya's Nubian minority face discrimination leading to statelessness, violating African human rights standards.

Last update: September 30, 2011

El Sharkawi v. Arab Republic of Egypt

Mohammed El Sharkawi was detained without trial under Egypt's Emergency Law for nearly 16 years, and tortured in custody. Since his release, there has been no acknowledgement that his detention violated human rights.

Last update: July 22, 2011

Moidunov v. Kyrgyzstan

After a dispute on the street, Tashkenbai Moidunov was taken to a police station in Kyrgyzstan. Later that night, he was found dead in his cell. Despite the evidence, there was never a proper investigation into his death.

Last update: July 19, 2011

Gerasimov v. Kazakhstan

This Open Society Justice Initiative case involves the torture of a man by police in Kazakhstan.

Last update: July 15, 2011

Alade v. the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Sikiru Alade spent almost a decade in pretrial detention. His case exposes a system in which police routinely charge suspects in order to have them detained, but make no effort to investigate or prosecute the case.

Last update: July 07, 2011

Yildirim v. Turkey

A court in Turkey issued an injunction blocking access for all Turkish-based Internet users to the entire Google Sites domain, supposedly to block access to a single website which included content deemed offensive.

Last update: July 06, 2011

Kuric v. Slovenia

This case concerns citizenship rights and statelessness in Slovenia.

Last update: July 06, 2011

Kasabova v. Bulgaria

The case, involving a journalist found liable for criminal libel, raised questions about the burden of proof and liability standards that ought to apply in criminal defamation proceedings.

Last update: April 19, 2011

Akmatov v. Kyrgyzstan

Turdubek Akmatov was taken to the local police station in Kyrgyzstan and severely beaten during ten hours in custody. He died a few hours after being released without charge.

Last update: October 01, 2019
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