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French Criminal Investigation of Chemical Weapons Attacks In Syria

On March 1, 2021, the Justice Initiative joined Syrian survivors of chemical weapons attacks, the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), and Syrian Archive in seeking a French criminal investigation for the August 2013 chemical weapons attacks on the city of Douma and on Eastern Ghouta.


Swedish Criminal Investigation of Chemical Weapons Attacks In Syria

On April 19, 2021, the Open Society Justice Initiative joined survivors of chemical weapons attacks in Syria, the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression (SCM), Syrian Archive, and Civil Rights Defenders in filing a criminal complaint with Swedish War Crimes Commission within the Swedish Police Authority.


Hanan v. Germany

In 2016, Abdul Hanan, the father of the two boys killed in a German airstrike in Afghanistan, filed a complaint before the European Court for Human Rights alleging that Germany had not conducted an effective investigation into the attack.


Stopping Abusive Lending Practices in the EU

In response to the prevalence of predatory lending in the EU, the Justice Initiative supported domestic case building to compel states to enforce human rights protections to stop these abusive practices.


Open Society European Policy Institute v. Bulgaria

The Open Society Foundations' collective complaint alleges that the Bulgarian government violated the European Social Charter for failing to prioritize persons over 65 years old and individuals with underlying conditions in its domestic COVID-19 vaccine rollout.


Open Society Justice Initiative v. Telekom Austria

The Justice Initiative has filed a complaint against Telekom Austria, the parent company of A1 Belarus, which sporadically shut off access to their mobile internet networks in Belarus in the aftermath of the country’s disputed 2020 presidential elections.


Criminal Complaint for Saudi Crimes Against Humanity in Belgium

The Justice Initiative filed a complaint of crimes against humanity with the Belgian federal prosecutor under universal jurisdiction on behalf of Alia and Lina al-Hathloul for grave crimes committed against their sister Loujain al-Hathloul by the Saudi regime.


Use of Afghanistan’s Foreign Reserves to Satisfy Judgments Against the Taliban

The Justice Initiative filed a brief in the consolidated case of In re: Terrorist Attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 holding that U.S. law does not permit taking Afghanistan’s foreign reserves to satisfy judgments against the Taliban.


Vidberg v. France

Prosecutors’ refusals to open criminal proceedings constitute obstacles to access to justice for victims. The Justice Initiative submitted an amicus brief in this case emphasizing the importance of prosecutorial accountability to guarantee the rule of law.


Achbita v. Belgium

This complaint filed against Belgium with the UN Human Rights Committee, pertaining to a receptionist who was dismissed for intending to wear a headscarf in the workplace, argues that religious dress restrictions are discriminatory against Muslim women.


Responsible Development for Abaco (RDA) Ltd. v. the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie et al.

This appeal before the Privy Council challenges the Bahamian court of appeal’s approach to security for costs, an order it routinely makes in public interest environmental cases that prevent impacted communities from accessing the courts.


Ramy and Céline Shaath v. Arab Republic of Egypt

This case was filed before the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights on behalf of Ramy Shaath, an Egyptian-Palestinian national and a prominent human rights defender who was an active participant in the 2011 Egyptian revolution, and his wife, Celine Lebrun-Shaath.


Pernell v. Lamb

Florida House Bill (HB) 7, designed to censor discussions related to race and gender in the educational setting, will impede State-mandated training of law enforcement officers in human diversity and implicit biases, argue a coalition of law enforcement groups in an amicus brief filed before the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.


IACHR Advisory Opinion on Climate Emergency and Human Rights

This submssion argues for an ambitious and expansive approach to the protection of the rights of people displaced by the climate emergency, as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights prepares an Advisory Opinion that will shape future regional law and policy in the region.


Huseynov v. Azerbaijan

Through this application before the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), Emin Huseynov, an Azerbaijani journalist, sought a ruling that a declaration renouncing his nationality—made under duress—cannot be used by the government to revoke his citizenship.

Last update: December 07, 2017

Class Action Lawsuit against French Government for Ethnic Profiling by Police

The Justice Initiative, along with partner NGOs, filed the first class action lawsuit in France to end ethnic profiling by police, who disproportionately target people based on their skin color or presumed ethnic origin.


Wa Baile v. Switzerland

Mohamed Wa Baile claimed to have been subjected to ethnic profiling in 2015, when he was stopped by police officers in a train station in Zurich and told to identify himself. In 2018, Wa Baile complained to the European Court of Human Rights,which found in his favor in February, 2024.

Last update: February 20, 2024

Claudia Medina v. Secretaría de Marina and Fiscalia General de la República

After the Mexican government granted the armed forces powers to carry out law enforcement operations in 2006, the Mexican Navy committed systemic patterns of torture and sexual violence with the rubber stamp approval of the prosecutor's office.

Last update: March 26, 2024

Hospital Attacks in Syria

Russia’s air force deliberately attacked Kafr Nabl hospital in Syria in 2019. A legal filing, brought on behalf of victims and survivors, seeks a ruling from the UN Human Rights Committee on the attack—part of a wider pattern of attacks against health care facilities in Syria by Russian forces.

Last update: May 02, 2024
Press release

Open Society Justice Initiative Sues U.S. Government for Khashoggi Records

A lawsuit filed in federal court in the South District of New York seeks the immediate release of government records relating to the killing of U.S. resident and Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

January 09, 2019
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