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Case Watch: British Judges Raise Standards for Investigating Wartime Abuses

The High Court in London has ordered the UK government to overhaul the way it investigates hundreds of allegations of unlawful killings and detainee abuse by British soldiers in Iraq.

May 29, 2013 | Jonathan Horowitz & Steve Kostas

Case Watch: A New Perspective on France’s Ban on Religious Headcoverings in Schools

The UN Human Rights Commission has found that a 2004 French ban on religious headcoverings at public schools breached a Sikh student’s right to religious freedom.

May 15, 2013 | Michelle Dellatorre & Maxim Ferschtman

Case Watch: Europe’s Economic Crisis Goes to Court

As Europe's economic downturns continues, the courts are being called upon to adjudicate social justice issues.

April 30, 2013 | Haben Fecadu

Expanding the Framework for Human Rights in Africa

Africa's human rights commission has launched its first model law—on access to information—and its first general comments—on the interpretation of an aspect of women's rights.

April 26, 2013 | Stanley Ibe

Case Watch: Europe’s Broad View on Acceptable Limits to Free Speech

A ruling from the European Court of Human Rights fails to require government precision in restricting supposedly dangerous anti-democratic speech.

April 26, 2013 | Jonathan Horowitz

Case Watch: European Court of Justice Faults Response to Football Tycoon’s Anti-Gay Remarks

Asociaţia ACCEPT has successfully challenged Romania's handling of anti-gay remarks by the millionaire backer of Steaua Bucharest football club.

April 25, 2013 | Simon Cox & Zsolt Bobis

Africa Moves Ahead on Pretrial Detention Guidelines

A new initiative recognizes the need to address the drivers of excessive and arbitrary pretrial detention that aggravate prison overcrowding.

April 24, 2013 | Sean Tait & Kersty McCourt

European Court of Human Rights: Efficiency at what Cost?

The number of pending applications before the court is down is down. But a close read of the statistics tell a more unsettling story.

April 22, 2013 | Karen Corrie

How the U.S. Supreme Court Moved the Goalposts on Corporate Liability

The Court’s ruling in the Kiobel case was a setback for efforts to use United States courts to hold corporations accountable for human rights abuses committed abroad.

April 18, 2013 | Erica Razook

Rios Montt Genocide Trial Confronts Political Push-Back in Guatemala

Guatemala’s current president has joined those warning against a finding of genocide in the trial of former military dictator Efrain Rios Montt.

April 18, 2013 | Emi MacLean

Beyond Arusha: The Global Effort to Prosecute Rwanda’s Genocide

The prosecution of Rwandan genocide cases in national courts is vital as the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda prepares to conclude its work.

April 17, 2013 | Karen Corrie

Why a Piecemeal Approach to Criminal Justice Reform in Nigeria Won’t Work

On the surface, a proposal that could free people held in prolonged prerial detention in Nigeria looks good, but it won’t deliver genuine reform of a dysfunctional system.

April 05, 2013 | Stanley Ibe

Why Development Needs the Rule of Law

As the push continues to create a new global development framework, the world must recognize the essential role played by the rule of law.

April 04, 2013 | James Goldston

Case Watch: What a Yugoslav War Crimes Acquital Means for Charles Taylor

The conviction of General Momčilo Perišić for aiding and abetting war crimes was overturned by the ICTY, with implications for the appeal of former Liberian president Charles Taylor

March 22, 2013 | Karen Corrie & Steve Kostas

High Stakes in Mexico’s Choice on Justice System Reform

New justice reforms could help reduce overcrowding in Mexico’s state prisons, but only if the changes include an effective system for managing pretrial release.

March 22, 2013 | Douglas Keillor & Javier Carrasco Solis

Poland’s Damaging Failure to Respond to CIA Black Site Case

Poland’s failure to cooperate with the European Court of Human Rights over a secret CIA prison is jeopardizing its wider commitment to human rights.

March 21, 2013 | Adam Bodnar

Guatemala at the Cross Roads in Search for Justice

With the trial of a former president for genocide and crimes against humanity, Guatemala is following other Latin American countries that have sought justice for historic human rights abuses.

March 19, 2013 | James Goldston
Woman walking

Immigration Crackdown in Stockholm Provokes Pushback

Police in Stockholm have been accused of ethnic profiling as they step up identity checks; activists have responded by using social media to track police movements.

March 08, 2013 | Marc Krupanski & Zsolt Bobis

The Power of Women in Advancing the Cause of Gender Justice

The presence of women on international war crimes tribunals and as advocates for gender justice has played a vital role in the gains seen in the two decades in recognizing rape as a war-crime.

March 07, 2013 | Kelly Askin

Families of World War Two Massacre Victims Invoke the Right to Truth

A case before the European Court of Human Rights seeks to establish the full truth about a Soviet massacre of Polish POWs during World War II.

February 28, 2013 | Emi MacLean
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