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A Hard Look at Discrimination in Education in Germany

Imagine if you were ten years old and already knew your educational choices were limited and your future job prospects dim. This is the situation for children in Germany from Turkish, Kurdish, or Arab backgrounds.

October 17, 2012 | Katrine Thomasen

Nigeria and Cameroon Must Step Away from Confrontation

The leaders of Nigeria and Cameroon need to make urgent efforts to secure a genuine resolution of tensions over the Bakassi peninsula that looks after the interests of its people.

October 11, 2012 | Chidi Odinkalu & Agnes Ebo’o

Kyrgyzstan Must Free Azimjan Askarov

Kyrgyzstan is continuing to ignore international calls for the release of a courageous human rights defender, who tried to hold the local police force accountable for their abuses.

October 10, 2012 | Masha Lisitsyna

UN Meeting on the Rule of Law was Just Another Day of Talk

When they met in New York, world leaders failed to agree on measurable targets for the Rule of Law. But they did agree it has role to play in the post-2015 development agenda.

October 03, 2012 | James Goldston

Case Watch: Strengthening Europe’s Non-Discrimination Law

What is the reach of the European Union law prohibition on race discrimination? A new case offer the Court of Justice an opportunity to affirm that non-discrimination on grounds of race is a general principle of EU law.

October 02, 2012 | Simon Cox

French Prime Minister Makes U-Turn on Reforming Police Stops

Opposition from France's powerful police unions is pushing the new government to switch course on measures to combat racist policing tactics.

September 28, 2012 | Jonathan Birchall & Rachel Neild

Case Watch: Untangling UN Anti-Terrorism Sanctions and Human Rights

A ruling from the European Court of Human Rights considers the impact of a UN terrorism sanction list on the rights of an individual in Switzerland.

September 14, 2012 | Jonathan Horowitz

What a Paralegal in Sierra Leone Needs to Know Grantee Spotlight

How can paralegals help bring legal services to ordinary people in Sierra Leone? The legal empowerment group Timap for Justice has produced a manual.

September 11, 2012 | Vivek Maru & Simeon Koroma

Crisis in the Sahel Presents a Defining Challenge for Africa

African countries must take a leading role alongside international partners in responding to the daunting crisis developing across the Sahel region.

September 11, 2012 | Chidi Odinkalu

Case Watch: Challenging Police Abuse in Spain

A ruling from the European Court of Human Rights has recognized the particular vulnerability of black women in Spain to racial discrimination and abuse.

September 06, 2012 | Cristina de la Serna

Assassinations, Disappearances, and Riots: What’s Happening in Mombasa?

Days after a controversial Muslim cleric was gunned down, violent protests have engulfed the streets of the Kenyan city of Mombasa. We asked a local human rights activist to help us understand the volatile situation.

August 29, 2012 | Jonathan Horowitz

International Justice Must Start at Home

When heads of state come to New York for the UN General Assembly in September, they have an opportunity to get serious about serious crimes in talks devoted this year to promoting the rule of law.

August 27, 2012 | James Goldston

The End of Southern Africa’s Regional Human Rights Court?

A shocking decision over the weekend effectively shuttered the Southern African Development Community tribunal.

August 20, 2012 | Richard Lee

A Populist Fix is No Solution for Puerto Rico’s Violence

Amid surging violence, the people of Puerto Rico are being asked to take a constitutional right to bail away from those accused of aggravated murder.

August 17, 2012 | Denise Tomasini-Joshi

Pardons are Not a Solution to Prison Overcrowding

The first half of 2012 brought a bumper crop of prison pardons. But they are not an effective way of managing prison populations.

August 16, 2012 | Kersty McCourt & Marina Ilminska

Time for Romania to Face the Truth over Secret CIA Prison

For the sake of its future, Romania must face up to its role in enabling abuses at a secret basement prison that the CIA codenamed "Bright Light".

August 06, 2012 | Amrit Singh

UK Veto on Iraq Papers a Setback for the Public’s Right to Know

The veto of a freedom of information request for details of government discussions on the 2003 invasion of Iraq favors the principle of cabinet confidentiality.

August 02, 2012 | Rebecca Wolozin

Case Watch: European Court Takes a Pragmatic Approach on Prisoner Voting Rights

A recent decision suggests that the ECHR will seek to avoid issuing decisions that influential member States are likely to overtly ignore.

July 19, 2012 | Karen Corrie

Living in a Shadow of Perpetual Suspicion

Rizwaan Sabir was treated as a terrorism suspect for downloading a document for his academic research in 2008. His story highlights concerns about how anti-terrorism powers are being used by UK police.

July 17, 2012 | Rebekah Delsol

European Court Probes for Truth on CIA’s Secret Prison in Poland

The European Court of Human Rights is asking Poland for information on a CIA secret prison, moving far beyond anything done in the U.S. to address alleged abuses committed in the post-9/11 "war on terror".

July 16, 2012 | Amrit Singh
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