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Press release

Expert Panel Urges Members of Organization of American States to Act on Transparency at Human Rights Commission and Court

Five leading experts on the Inter-American human rights system have called on regional governments to take concrete steps to make the selection and election of judges and commissioners more open.

June 06, 2017
Press release

After Long Struggle, Kenya’s Nubian Minority Secures Land Rights

The Kenyan government has granted security of land tenure to the country's Nubian minority in Nairobi's Kibera neighborhood—following a campaign that included both human rights litigation and community activism.

June 05, 2017
Press release

Discriminatory Police Stops Brought before European Court of Human Rights

The Open Society Justice Initiative has filed two separate applications this month before the European Court of Human Rights that challenge racially-discriminatory police stops in France and Spain.

May 23, 2017
Press release

Independent Experts Assess Candidates for Inter-American Human Rights Commission

The six national nominees competing this June for three vacant positions at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will be assessed by an independent panel of experts.

April 02, 2017
Press release

European Court of Human Rights Rules in Favor of Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Greek Abuse

Europe's human rights court has ordered Greece to pay 42 irregular migrant workers over half a million euros in damages, in the first ruling of its kind on forced labour.

March 30, 2017
Press release

Kyrgyzstan Accepts UN Human Rights Committee Ruling with Compensation Award

Kyrgyzstan's Supreme Court has for the first time awarded compensation in line with the findings of the UN Human Rights Committee, in the case of a man who was killed in police custody.

March 20, 2017
Press release

With Askarov Case, Kyrgyzstan Belies Pledges to End Torture and Uphold the Rule of Law

Azimjan Askarov, a 66-year-old human rights defender, remains in prison serving a life sentence, despite manifest and profound shortcomings in the handling of his case.

February 21, 2017
Press release

European Union Must Address Widespread Ethnic Profiling by Police

Heightened concerns over both migration and the threat of terrorism are fueling discriminatory policing practices in Europe.

December 06, 2016
Press release

New European Union Directive on Counterterrorism is Seriously Flawed

European Union member states must ensure that a new effort to standardize counterterrorism laws does not undermine fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.

November 30, 2016
Press release

Dutch Nationality Laws Leave Six-Year Old in Legal Limbo

More than 13,000 children in the Netherlands are classed as being of "unknown" nationality. One of them is taking his case to the UN Human Rights Committee.

November 29, 2016
Press release

French Court Victory Calls Police to Account over Racially-Biased Stops

France’s top civil court ruled today that police stops which disproportionately target young people of African and Arab origin are illegal, in a judgment that clears the way for fundamental changes in French police practices.

November 09, 2016
Press release

Rights Groups Urge Mexico to Adopt Proposed Advisory Council to Fight Impunity

The Mexican government is being urged to include international as well as Mexican experts in an advisory council that would spearhead the fight against impunity.

October 24, 2016
Press release

European Court Judgment Falls Short on Protecting Roma Rights

The European Court of Human Rights ordered Russia to compensate six Roma families for their eviction in 2006, but failed to acknowledge that the action was racially motivated.

October 18, 2016
Press release

New Report Calls for Repeal of UK Counter-Extremism Reporting Obligation

The UK should repeal 2015 legislation that imposes a legal obligation on education and healthcare professionals to report individuals believed to be at risk of being draw into terrorism.

October 18, 2016
Press release

Kyrgyzstan’s Top Court Fails to Deliver Expected Askarov Release

Kyrgyzstan’s Supreme Court this week failed to free the country’s best-known political prisoner, Azimjan Askarov, despite a ruling from the UN Human Rights Committee requiring his immediate release.

July 13, 2016
Press release

Romania’s Role in CIA Torture and Rendition Comes Before European Court

Romania’s efforts to draw a veil over its support for the Central Intelligence Agency’s program of torture and secret rendition a decade ago will come under unprecedented scrutiny at the European Court of Human Rights.

June 20, 2016
Press release

Atrocity Crimes in Mexico Demand an Extraordinary Response

There is a “reasonable basis” to believe that crimes against humanity have been committed in Mexico by both government forces and the Zetas drug cartel.

June 03, 2016
Press release

Lawyers Say Court Errs in Ignoring German Role in U.S. Drone Strikes

A German court erred in rejecting a legal challenge to Germany’s support for targeted killings carried out by the United States, according to lawyers for the complainant.

April 27, 2016
Press release

UN Human Rights Committee Calls on Kyrgyzstan to Release Azimjan Askarov

The HRC found that Mr Askarov had been arbitrarily detained, held in inhumane conditions, tortured and mistreated, and prevented from adequately preparing his defense in a manifestly unfair trial.

April 21, 2016
Press release

Legal Complaint Targets Germany’s Role in U.S. Drone Program

A court in Cologne will hear a civil complaint on April 27 which argues that the use of U.S. bases on German territory to support drone strikes violates German law.

April 11, 2016
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